January Reads

As a young kid, I was a voracious reader. I use to read on the way to school, before bedtime, and during any free time I had. As I have been in graduate school the past three years, the majority of my reading time has been spent reading books and research articles that are school related. This past month, I had the joy of reading four books that I choose to read. Unsurprisingly all of them relate to my graduate studies and clinical internship at a children’s hospital, yet they also filled up my cup and I didn’t have to write a research paper on any of them :). Here are the four reads:

  1. The Boy Who Was Raised as A Dog - Dr. Perry and Szalavitz wrote a powerful book on Dr. Perry’s work as a psychiatrist with children that have faced trauma. A very intense and moving read that shares many in-depth case studies that will leave an imprint on your mind and heart.

  2. The Body Keeps Score - Dr Bessel van der Kolk’s seminal book on how trauma reshapes our brain and body. A must-read for anyone who works in any helping profession.

  3. The Whole Brain Child - Dr. Daniel Siegel offers 12 revolutionary strategies to help cultivate healthy emotional and intellectual development in children. A great read for parents, caregivers, or educators who work with children!

  4. The Joy of Movement - Dr. McGonigal health psychologist writes a compelling book rooted in research and stories from around the world on how movement is our birthright.

What books have you read this past month? Or what books are on your bedside table that you are wanting to read in February? Please feel free to share any book titles in the comment below.

Thank you for being here and sharing! Here’s to continuing to read more books “for fun” in 2022!


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